Monday, June 15, 2020

June 15, from the bunker, er, umm.., Room 208

From the Zappa:"and in your dreams you can see yo'self..").."in the bunka"

"Humans somehow fail to recognize situations outside the contexts, in the bunker(sic), in which they usually learn about them."-Nassim Taleb, ANTIFRAGILE

Yet another great example of how necessary, even if ultimately wrong, or let's say, not so right, every postmodern movement is to challenge our comforts, and ultimately to evolve.

Monday, June 1, 2020

June 1, from room 208

1st death recorded in the county(R.Silva, FB, 12:56 today)

May 28(whoops), in Room 208

Butte County's at 34 cases, 0, still, deaths. Tensely awaiting the second wave what with much dumb-fuckery having taken place recently(listening to, and watching, what the hell's wrong with me, Charlie Carrell crooning, weirdly well, "Can't Help Falling In Love" is not helping).